Advanced Level is a two-year course, which follows O-Level. The Cambridge International Examination is held after the completion of each year of the two-year programme, considered the Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level respectively.
AS Level - The two-year extensive A-Level syllabus has been divided into two portions by the University of Cambridge to lighten the workload on the students.


• Pupils are required to take all school examinations and tests throughout the year, concluding with the final examination of the Cambridge International Examination at the end of each year. Regular tests and home assignments are part of the school's formative assessment programme.
• Assessment results will be issued to the pupils twice a year and must be duly signed by a parent and returned to the school. These school transcripts are required for university and college admissions in Pakistan and abroad.
• The students must appear in the AS examinations after completing their first academic year, and then appear for the remaining papers at the end of the 2nd academic year, to get a complete A-Level certificate.
• Every student’s C.I.E. registration for AS and A-Level has to be first approved by their subject teachers. These approvals are based upon the student’s performance in the school’s mid-year examinations.
• Students are expected to clear ALL AS subjects in their first year at school. Regular warnings are issued to under-achievers and their parents are requested to be vigilant. A meeting may be arranged by either the parent or the teacher to discuss the student’s progress.
• Under certain circumstances, students could be permitted to appear for a complete A-Level exam at the end of the two academic years to get an A-Level certificate. However, in all such cases, the teacher’s approval is necessary.
• According to regulations set by IBCC, Pakistan Studies, Islamiat, Urdu, English and Math are compulsory subjects at O-Level. One is not considered to have graduated from school unless these exams have been passed. In case of a lapse, college/ university applications are compromised.

Examination at Cordoba

• The school tests the students twice a year. Mid Term Examinations are held in the month of Nov/December while the Annual Examinations are conducted in March/April of the following year.
• Assessment results will be issued to the pupils twice a year and must be duly signed by a parent and returned to the school. These reports are required for the pupils at their admission into universities and colleges in Pakistan and abroad.
• Warning letters issued will be held on record in student files. Parents are requested to be vigilant regarding their child’s progress. A meeting may be arranged by either the parent or teacher to discuss the student’s progress.
• The mid year and final exams will comprise of 75% of the final grade. 25% of the final grade will be awarded through class tests/assignments/presentations.

Re-testing students for missed school examination:
Re-tests are highly discouraged and should be given to students, only if there is a genuine reason.

CAIE Examination:

The students have the option to appear in the AS examinations after completing their first academic year, and then give the remaining papers at the end of the 2nd academic year to get a complete A-Level certificate. Alternatively, they can choose to appear for all A-Level exams at the end of the two academic years to get an A-Level certificate.

Registration Procedure:
1. C.I.E. Registration for May/June Session begins by the 2nd week of January.
2. Forms are given out and explained to the students in their GP/Language classes. Pupils are required to take all school examinations and tests, concluding with the final examination of the Cambridge International Examination throughout the two years. Regular tests, home assignments and class participation are a part of the student evaluation process.
3. The students are required to seek approval from their respective teachers in order to register themselves in that particular subject. This is a mandatory clause for the student to register themselves. If they fail to get the particular teacher to sign their form, the school will not register them.
4. The signed form along with the cash amount for registration has to be submitted to the exam coordinator within the given deadline.
5. In case of surpassing the deadline, a daily fine will be imposed. of Rs-1000/- will be imposed for the first week + 2000/- for each day of the 2nd week.
6. Students should ensure that they clear all three AS subjects in their first year at school.

Clearance and Issuance of Statement Of Entry
Students who wish to register for the Cambridge International Examination have to ensure that all dues and damages have been cleared. A clearance slip is issued by end of March to the students – Subject Teachers have to give clearance to the students for the issuance of the statement of entry.

Examination policy for Students on probation
Students who have signed the promissory note at the time of admission and fail to keep their promise by the Mid-Term Examination (November/December) will be allowed to take classes at school but will not be registered for the CAIE from school. They may take the exam privately.

Examination policy for re-takes
Students who fail a subject in the May/June Cambridge International Examination will have to re-take their AS exams privately in October/November C.I.E Session. If they manage to obtain a minimum C grade, only then will the student be allowed to register from school for the following May/June A-Level C.I. E.